Author: Yelena Lugin
Pages: 353 pages
Read: 18th November, 2016
Rating: 3/5 stars
Goodreads summary:
The world as you know it, is gone.
There is a war waging on, greater than any war ever predicted by the human race. They all believed that the end would come by human hands, by bombings, radiation, disease, or through the stripping of all Earth’s natural recourses. But that is not how it happened. It was not by the human hand that the world was destroyed, at least not entirely.
Now humans are hunted. Both demons and seraphs have established their territories where they live here on earth and both have evolved to use humans as their errand dogs. They catch us, trap us, train us, and eventually we die in some horrific way. This is what is left of us.
As for me, well my father was human and my mother one of them, an Angel. I am what they call a halfling, or Nephilim, and I try to survive in this god forsaken place.
This is my world now, or what’s left of it.
Writing: 4
Plot: 3
Characters: 4
This book was given to me by Yelena Lugin in return for an honest review.
This review was a long time coming, it took me so long to finish this book and honestly i dont know why. Maybe it had to do with the fact that i had to read it on my laptop, which is not my favorit thing to do and mayby because it took me a really long time to get into this book. 'In the Crossfire' is set in a world were Angels and Demons are at war and the humans are in the middle of it. Sky are main character who is half Angel and half human is on the run with 2 of her friends, Alec and Kat. They are on the run from the Angels who are 'hunting' the humans down to make an army of them to use against the Demons. They get caught and are taken to the hive, there they have to prove themselfs that they are strong enough to even be in the army.. this is were i got a little bit of 'Hunger games' feelings. Not that there is anything wrong with that, but i couldn't really get past that. It didn't run that long, but i still had the feeling that is was done before.. it wasn't very new.
Later on the story got a new turn, when Sky got trough the tests of become a warrior she couldn't find her friends anywere. Also she had to choose on which side she wanted to work, the side that hunted humans or the side that fought the demons. She chooses fighting demons, this is where her love interest really comes into the picture. Nathanial, an Angel prince, who is the leader of her squad. He is also one of the Angels that has found her before but choos to let her go. They build up an relationship that is truely good, it isnt to fast, no insta love which i like. They first build up a friendship, a partnership and maybe even a little bit more.. but it doesn't come easy, which i think is a good thing. Its something that keeps the story between them interesting. Later on Sky finds her friends, but alot has changed. Luckly she has alot of help from her new friends form her squad; Nicky, Heath and Max, plus and Angels Barakiel which i totally loved. You dont really get a lot the know about them, which i find unfortunate.. i would have like to know them better, to see more than just the side that Sky sees though everything that happends. As for her main friends, as i said alot has changed. Kat isn't who she was anymore and that has everything to do with on of the Angels (if you can even call him that) Samuel. I dont want to give anything away, but boy did i want to punch that guy in the face. He gave so much creeper feels, it wasnt normal. As for Alec, i also dont have a lot of good things to say.. you have to find out for yourself.
I sometimes had a lot of desiafu moments, later on in the story there is a ball.. which i found out of place in the story but oh well. It remainded me of 'the Selection' and maybe even 'Throne of Glass'. It was a little bit out of place, one moment they were fighting demons and the next there is a royal ball where everyone of the squad is going. It didn't fit the story in my opinion. But it did make the story more interesting after the event, which i dont want to spill. I have to say that the futher you get into the book the better it gets. You want to know more, in the beginning it was just hard for me to get into. Also there were alot of plot twist, some of them i saw coming but also some of them were quite shocking. I liked were the story was going and i like to know more, i hope that is will be even better than the first one!
Overall i will say, it is a good first book. It has romance, angels and demons, the right amound of fighting and drama. It has a good plot, which i hope will be continued in the second novel and i hope that there will be a little bit more background about Sky's friends and the Angels.
the cover is so interesting with the black and white color scheme and the focus being only on the wings -- the minimalism really works incredibly well in this case!