zondag 24 januari 2016


Welcome, Welcome,

my first ever post om my new blog. Its al very new to me, so bare with me. Please note that English is not my first language, so grammer and other mistakes are commen.

Now that i have my Blog sort of ready, i thought:  "why not make a welcome post".

I wanted to start a BookBlog ever since i became really into making reviews for the books i read. I had a account on Goodreads and posted my reviews om my page. I became to really liking it and wanted something more of my own. I loved reading ever since i was little. I used to begg my parents to read stories to me all the time, but when i became older i went to the library every week or so. I read every minute i could get. Than high school came and my reading love became less of a priority. That was until i went abroad in my second year of college for an internship in Germany. I had no TV and my computer became boring. My love for reading came back to me, and thats when I started reading again (not that i ever really stopt, just that netflix was really interesting). I made a Goodreads account and started my readingchallenge for 35 books. 2014 was a really good reading years for me, even with college i could get it done! I loved giving my opinions of the books i had read, and just a few weeks ago i started thinking about a bookblog. I loved reading them and mayby it was something i could do aswell.
I also wanted to start a Bookstagram and Booktube, but as I am now I am to shy to really start a Booktube.. Mayby in the future.

For now I will write reviews of the books i read and will post al sorts of post on this blog. I hope you will go on this journy with me!

Love, Hedi


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