maandag 18 april 2016

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen - Review

Book: Pride and Prejudice
Author: Jane Austen
Pages: 416
Read: 15 April 2016
Rating: 3/5 Stars

Goodreads Summary:
It is a truth universally acknowledged that Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice is one of the best-loved novels of all time--and today, it's more popular than ever. When the wealthy and very eligible bachelor Charles Bingley purchases an estate in the Bennets' small town, he and the beautiful Jane immediately fall in love. But Bingley's arrogant friend Darcy just as quickly alienates Lizzy when she overhears him speaking dismissively of her. These first impressions have lasting repercussions for Jane, Elizabeth, and their whole family. Rich in wit and wisdom, humour and humanity, Pride and Prejudice takes a probing, entertaining look at the nature of love, money, and power in Georgian England.

Plot: 4
Writing: 3
Characters: 4

This was my very first Classic that i've read. It took me a while to get used to the writing style because it was old English. But it gave the feeling of a real historical time. The story was nice and had a good structure. Everything followed nicely after every event. Because the writingstyle was old English it sometimes felt as if some events were going on forever, which made it some time difficult to read. 

I liked Elizabeth as a character, she spoke her mind and didn't let anyone tell her what to do or how to behave. It was very refreshing for a character of that time. Her sisters felt a little bland, there wasn't very much to them. Sometimes i forgot that she had 4 sisters because Mary and Kitty weren't mentioned much. Also you didn't know much about them. Her parents i loved, the way her mother was always so full of nerves and her father was just to most laid back dad i have ever seen. You could also feel the love for his daughters.

The romance didn't get me as much as i hoped, mayby this is also to blame on the writingstyle. Everything was so formal and i didn't feel the affection for each other. Eventhough i didn't like that the story was great!

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